tarde de lluvia / rainy afternoon, HD Video, 1:41, 2022

Filmed on the dry river bed of the Barton Creek Greenbelt in Austin, Texas, tarde de lluvia reminisces on the potential of rain to bring back life into the desolate summer terrain.

Lyrics Tarde de Lluvia by Francisco Gabilondo Soler (Cri Cri), 1996.


sana sana / heal heal, HD Video, 1:31, 2021

sana sana / heal heal refers to a Mexican saying my parents would croon to me as a child when I would get hurt. It goes, "sana sana, colita de rana. lo que no sana hoy sanará mañana" or "heal heal, little frog tail. that which doesn't heal today will heal tomorrow." 

In that spirit, this video is a response to the violence that we all witnessed and that saturated the media this past year; violence that continues to be inflicted on marginalized bodies; violence that I wish I could unsee. An offering for community healing as much as a self-care ritual, so that in our own time, we may all heal, heal.

Produced in collaboration with John Mathew Bernal.

Instrumental by Brenden Jonson Gorge. Original song HACIENDO QUE ME AMAS by Bad Bunny.